Hi, I am applying to a VS for a firm with the same application questions as the TC I applied for in July. They sent an email saying that they had filled all their spots for the TC and would not be progressing my application as a result of no more TCs being available.
I am under the impression that they did not review my application. Would it be okay to use the same answers I submitted a few months ago or would this be disadvantageous?
@Jessica Booker Thank you!
It's great that you're reapplying for a vacation scheme, but to build on what
@Jessica Booker said, I'd recommend against submitting the same application you used for the training contract application in July. Even if the firm didn’t review your previous application, updating it shows that you've reflected on your experiences, motivations, and have gained fresh insights since then.
In previous cycles, Jess and several other Community Assistants have emphasised to me the importance of going beyond just updating factual information. For example, for any commercially focussed questions, it’s worth discussing something more recent than what you mentioned in your previous application. The legal industry, particularly commercial law, is dynamic and constantly evolving. Firms want to see that you’re keeping up to date with these changes and understand how current events impact their clients and the sectors they operate in. Using recent developments in your answers not only demonstrates your commercial awareness but also shows your genuine interest in staying informed and engaged.
Similarly, when discussing your motivations for joining the firm or your research into their work, it’s important to refine these points to reflect any new insights or areas of interest. For instance, you might ask yourself what you've learnt about the firm since your last application; have there been any recent developments in their practice areas, deals/cases, or CSR/EDI initiatives that have resonated with you? By reflecting on such questions, you can ensure that your reasons for wanting to join the firm remain current, thoughtful, and tailored to any new information you've gained.
Best of luck!