When I applied to
DLA Piper last year, my answer solely focused on my motivations for 'Why the firm' and I ended up being invited for an AC. However, part of the reason why I followed this approach is that I had some previous work experience with one of the firm's foreign offices, which I wanted to discuss thoroughly. The natural reading of the firm's application question includes both a 'Why law' and a 'Why
DLA Piper' element - thus, I'd advise you to try to answer both. Off the top of my head, there's two structures I think you could use:
- Option 1: Start by discussing how X past experience led you to conclude you are attracted by Y aspect of commercial law. Then, you go on to explain why DLA Piper is one of the best firms for that Y aspect which attracted you to this profession in the first place. This aspect could be anything from practice areas, clients, international work etc. If possible, I'd follow this approach, as you could end up with a nice narrative structure.
- Option 2: You divide your answer between two roughly 100-word paragraphs, one focused on 'Why law?' and one focused on 'Why DLA?'