Thank you so much!Hi @pleasepleaseplease I definitely think it is a good idea to write you want to learn more about practice areas that interest you. The only caveat to that is to make sure that the practices you choose to write about are some of the bigger ones in the London office and ideally some of the ones the firm is known for in the market (which you can ascertain by taking a look at their Chambers UK and Chambers Global rankings).
Besides that, I think it is in general a good idea to identify the firm's unique selling points (USPs) - be them related to practice areas, culture, training or international offices - and explain you want to learn more about them. Some of the USPs identified by the TCLA team in HFW's Firm Profile (which you can access here) also include:
- Sector-focused firm, with a particularly strong reputation for shipping and commodities
- Inherently global practice, with lots of opportunity for cross-border work
- Disputes-heavy firm, with high rankings for their contentious teams
I got the offer earlier todayhas anyone got a w&c open day offer yet?
2 daysFor Mayer Brown, how soon after taking the test did people receive their feedback report? Thanks
On the plus side you will be able to improve your written applications and interview skills more easily than trying to better a WG score.Why am I the opposite to everybody here? Never practiced the WG in my life but yet never failed one ever. Genuinely find it mostly easy - have scored 99th percentile for CC and 94th for Linklaters. Yet I was rejected for both because my application writing and interviewing skills are absolutely horrendous.
Basically using this to moan because apparently all my god given skill points were used to max out the bloody Watson Glaser Test of all things, leaving me a talentless hack in everything else 😭
EDIT: And I can't even help people get better because I don't know what I do. I've never looked at a study resource or anything - I have no working out to show. Anyone know of any firms' application process that are just 5 WG tests? 🥲
Are you sure there was an open day today? I know there are virtual ones on the 13th and the 27th of Nov.Anyone receive the schedule and zoom details for Goodwin open day today? Email said we would be receiving a schedule+zoom link today but I have not received anything
The open day is on Thursday Nov. 7th but they said that they would circulate details today xxAre you sure there was an open day today? I know there are virtual ones on the 13th and the 27th of Nov.
US aint the one for you my brother/sister/them in Christ.
At Bakers (an intl firm with US headquarters) everyone emphasised they are not US in culture. From the trainees to associates, to partners and Business Development. HOWEVER, when you dug further, they all said they weren't leaving the office before 8 pm. They strongly reiterated to us that you shouldn't expect yourself to be leaving before 8pm. They do respect you completing things outside of work as long you communicate clearly in advance
This massively depends on department culture, but from the experience of asking different staff at different firms, the hours tend to match across the board (bar corporate/transactional work which is bonkers). From IP to Disputes and Employment, trainees all discussed regularly working to at least 8 pm and beyond at BM. The difference (compared to the US firms) is that their weekends are more often untouched and their holidays are respected completely. However, don't expect to not work during the holiday, even if you are in a traditionally seeming "easy" or "less stressful seat" (the employment trainees were disgruntled about working during easter!)
A general rule of thumb I received is that if they're a top 20 UK firm in terms of revenue and/or they're paying you over 100k as an NQ, it is highly unlikely you will have the WLB you're seeking. Make of that what you will, but checking this against Legal Cheek's reported timings, the advice does hold some weight.
Exclusive research: What time do lawyers finish work at the UK's top 100+ law firms? - Legal Cheek
Junior lawyers face long days, late finishes, and an 'always available' culture, highlighting the demanding nature of a life in corporate
The Firms Most List - Legal Cheek
Another recommendation was that if they are Tier 2 and above for Corporate deals at the premium level (like 750 mil and above), then just's a rough one. Bare in mind we all have to complete a transactional seat as per the SRA guidelines, so choose your fate carefully!
M&A: Upper Mid-Market And Premium Deals, £750m+ > London
Market-leading analysis, rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers in M&A: Upper Mid-Market And Premium Deals, £750m+ in
So, to conclude, I'd focus on less elite transactional-driven firms if you want comparatively good WLB - typically US, MC, and SC firms - regardless of their size and "unique culture", they will all expect the same of you in terms of output/WLB. Instead, go after firms that are recognised for a wide range of non-transactional services and practices that stand out as their USP. Or they may be sector-driven (Bird n Bird, Osborn Clarke, etc.).
That is unless you are focused on being a transactional solicitor. If so, why not go for the big ticket because you will be working the same amount of hours as solicitors on the opposite end of a transaction? Might as well get paid the same or more...
For sure. But that also depends on if your firm has billable targets - a lot don’t have them. Of course the US places a greater emphasis on this.In the long term, you might earn higher bonuses, and it is easier to reach the billable hours target in corporate and transactional seats.
2 mins to prepare, 2 min to answerfor PwC VI - how long do we have to answer?
I feel like these are quite difficult to prepare for but also relatively straightforward. Try to contribute a few substantive points, do not be overbearing, include other people. You can also volunteer to keep time or refer the group back to remaining time if it doesn't look like you are on track.How to prepare for group debates in the Assessment Centre?
hahahah exactly in the same position except replace W&C and Covington with Cleary and Burges. Waiting for Winter schemes is so painfulGuys I am beginning to really stress about my winter vac scheme applications.
Dechert- done by written assessment almost 3 weeks ago and no news
W &C- Applied in September but no comms since then
H&L- Applied in September but no comms since then (done the Waton Glacier test)
Covington- No comms since application
Ashirst- No come since application
should I assume I have been rejected from the ones I haven't heard from since application cos some people on here have done AC's for the firms already!!