I completely feel you! Writing applications is already challenging enough, but especially so if you're in a full-time role, have caring responsibilities, or any other commitments. I remember needing to catch my breath a few times when working full-time alongside writing applications. But having done it myself and having helped several career changers in similar situations, I have faith in you and believe it can absolutely be done.
One thing I'd recommend is to really focus on firms that you're genuinely interested in, rather than spreading yourself thin by spending time on firms that you don't feel very passionate about. Finding firms who do work which speaks to you can really help with motivation and make the application process feel less difficult,
A strategy that helped me was having a document with all my work experience entries fully edited. That way, I could easily copy + paste them into different forms, rather than writing new ones for each application. I also had another document with common application questions – like 'why commercial law' or 'tell us about a time you did X' – which I used as templates. This allowed me to tailor answers to each firm quickly, saving more time in the process.
Lastly, make sure you take a break before reviewing and submitting your application. It’s easier to spot mistakes when you come back with fresh eyes. Tools like ChatGPT can also be super helpful for quickly checking spelling or grammar (I used Grammarly back when I was applying). You also don't want your hard work to be undermined by basic or easily resolvable errors.
These strategies helped me take less time, and I'm sure other Community Assistants and forum users have their own approach.
Hang in there! You got this!