500 words is NOT a short word count.
typical word count is 250 words.
it seems that you're being asked:
1) talk about your hobbies, and how they would help you as a lawyer
2) talk about your positions of responsibility, ditto
3) talk about an achievement of importance, ditto
so you might say:
1) I play chess, this helps me with strategic thinking, important as a lawyer. I also participate in chess clubs where I network and meet new people. This has provided me with useful contacts and expanded my social circle.
2) I am leader of the university chess club. I have responsible for budgeting, organising events, and fundraising. these skills are relevant as a lawyer. [explain in more detail.]
3) I won the university chess tournament. this required me to practise for years and also make strategic decisions. this shows my dedication and determination and my intellectual ability, important as a lawyer.
It does mention that it's blind, so if you mentioned your university name, then your application would probably be deemed worthless, and likewise avoid mentioning employer/law firm names, etc.