This is a bit of an odd q & maybe only @Jessica Booker can answer however I have a bit of a predicament.
So basically at the end of the month I’m flying to Japan to spend 3+ months travelling around. I’m still waiting to hear back from some firms for potential AC’s & I am planning if I get them to fly back to do the AC. Would it be alright if I was to email grad rec for the firms i’m waiting for to see if they have any idea of the potential AC dates? I’m apprehensive to start booking flights/trains/accom around Japan & pay a fortune to have the fly back to Tokyo & waste that money. I also don’t want to email grad rec & look silly asking about an AC I don’t even have an invite to.
Any advice would be great thank you!!
So basically at the end of the month I’m flying to Japan to spend 3+ months travelling around. I’m still waiting to hear back from some firms for potential AC’s & I am planning if I get them to fly back to do the AC. Would it be alright if I was to email grad rec for the firms i’m waiting for to see if they have any idea of the potential AC dates? I’m apprehensive to start booking flights/trains/accom around Japan & pay a fortune to have the fly back to Tokyo & waste that money. I also don’t want to email grad rec & look silly asking about an AC I don’t even have an invite to.
Any advice would be great thank you!!