Thank you
@Andrei Radu !! do you have any advice on how best to structure / approach commercial news story questions? Or wider topics that involve discussing the political and economic state etc
@m12 I'm glad you've found this helpful
! As for your question, while the specifics of the structure will depend on the specific framing of the question, in general I'd prepare the following structure:
- The context of the story: when did the story happen, in what economic, social, and political circumstances, and what are the main purported causes of the relevant events?
- The story itself: What are the relevant events, what is the order that they took place in, and did they influence one another? Also, be ready to answer why you found this specific story particularly important, interesting or relevant.
- General impact: What are the general social, political and economic impacts of the events, and who are the main stakeholders? What do you think is likely to happen in the future? Also, if the issue is contentious, what do you think the right reaction to this events should be?
- Client impact: What is the likely impact on the firm's clients? How might they react, and how can the firm help them?
- Firm impact: How does this impact the business of the firm? Are there any particular practice areas that will see a decrease/increase in demand, or are there any other strategic opportunities or challenges? How can the firm react to this, and are there any advantages/disadvantages when comparing its position to that of its rivals?
It is very unlikely you will be asked to or able to respond by including all these steps. However, if you thoroughly research and prepare an answer for each step, you will be well-equipped to respond to any iteration of the commercial news question (be it a general discussion of the story, a question about the economic impact, or impact from the client's/firm's perspective). Then, depending on the particular framing of the question and the time you have to answer it, you can decide on the spot which steps are relevant and not and to what level of detail you want to go into.