How should I go about reapplying to firms I've applied to in the past semi-successfully? i.e. reached the video interview/test stage for them. I feel hesitant about fundamentally changing elements of my application because they were successful with the firm previously, but at the same time fear that repetition would mean = not showing growth and would lead to a rejection. any tips?
I definitely agree with
@Amma Usman and
@Jessica Booker's advice that you want to update your application. However, as they explained, this does not need to be any change in the fundamentals. So, in terms USPs, if a practice are was part of your why the firm reasoning, you could update your writing by including a more recent matter the firm worked on or discussing a more recent award/ranking/other form of market recognition. If you have any new experiences/achievements, or any new developments/implications of past experiences, you can also aim to discuss those.
Also, there is almost always room for improvement beyond the substantive points by bettering the quality of your drafting. Thus, take a look as to whether there are any terms that could be replaced by more appropriate language, any paragraph structures you could change, or any sentences which might be easier to understand if rephrased. Finally, if there is nothing to be improved in either the substance or the form of your answer (which is very unlikely), I would still rephrase some points (perhaps by using online tools) - you definitely want to avoid the system flagging your application as an exact copy paste of a previous one.