After procrastinating, I finally got myself to take the Paul, Weiss online blended assessment.
I managed to get high applied verbal intellect and high applied numerical intellect, which is good. Though, like others here, I'm not sure how to feel about my pillar scores of 6464 for grit, applied intellect, creative force, and digital mindset. I'm glad they're balanced, but I was sure they'd come back higher. Especially with digital mindset. Like, I watched a 2 hour video last night of an OpenAI co-founder building a large language model from scratch just because. You can leave the other scores, but I think I deserve a 9 for that 🤣 If anything, a 4 and the corresponding feedback feels insulting.
Ah, I'm just venting. That's just how these assessments go. I'm sure it's a work-in-progress. We'll find out more soon enough 😴