what does it mean if a firm doesnt get back to you 5 weeks post AC? i've waited for ages and i emailed them yesterday morning and they haven't replied. is it possible to get ghosted by a firm bc its just feels disrespectful at this point ... 😭 surely if they wanted to reject me they would've got back sooner instead of waiting so long???? i'm trying not to read into it but i honestly don't know what to do at this point
I completely understand your frustration here, but it is unfortunately quite hard to tell, as different firm have very different processes. In the case of
Slaughter and May, although I was given prior warning as to the long response times, I also had to wait more than 6 weeks post AC. However, this was not because they did not like my performance, as I still ended up getting the offer. Some firms simply interview over a long period of time and/or take long while to make decisions.
That said, 5 weeks is indeed definitely on the more extreme side of the wait time spectrum. It may also be the case that they have placed you on a waitlist, in which case they need to see how many people accept their offers or how many people who have previously accepted drop out before they decide what to respond to you.