Hey all, for VI - when responding to the question 'Why our firm?' I struggle to provide a thorough breakdown of 3 arguments (as I would do in a written response). I think all 3 which I want to mention are important, but I run out of time when trying to provide evidence of research/explanation. In a written response, it's easier to cut down the words/redact and make them fit within the word count.
What structure would you recommend for that question? Should we focus on a number of reasons (if so, are 2 sufficient?)?
@CarolineC , this is a good one. I was actually having a chat about this with one of my mentees a few minutes ago!
Personally, I would focus on less than 3 points. In answering why X firm, I usually focus heavily on one major point - the work. The reason I spend a lot of time on this is because with VIs, you have little time to go into detail on your motivations and would not want to be left in a situation where your marker wonders what more you had to say. On a side note, I also believe this is the most specific point of demonstrated interest a candidate can reference. Any practice areas that appeal and why? Focusing on one point, such as the work, is fine if you expand on it in great detail. For example, say you’re drawn to Kirkland for its strong trsanctional practice. Lots of firms have strong transactional practices, so you may want to touch on any intricacies of this practice that are seen at Kirkland more than at other firms. Is it their specialty on advising on both the buyer and lender side? Is it a particular deal? Now just as a mode of warning, mentioning deals also requires another level of high depth and a link of specificity to yourself, so consider if this time is available during your VI. However, if you can
adequately show this, then it will elevate your answer.
There would also be some points which could be talked on in less words than, say, the work of the firm. In this case, you will be able to talk about two points strongly. For example, if you’ve properly discussed a practice area you like at
Freshfields and why, but you are also drawn to the firm‘s unique training structure, then you could touch on why the 8-seat system appeals. Have you thrived in a similar environment? How do you know it’s
for you?
I really sympathise with the feeling of wanting to talk about many points, especially when you know they are all really strong at their core. However, the quality and depth of your answers will be more favoured than high quality in some, but brevity in others.
Hope this helps, and I’m sure
@Ram Sabaratnam @Andrei Radu and
@Jessica Booker will have additional thoughts.