@Ram Sabaratnam @Amma Usman
when law firms ask "why the firm" questions in interviews, is it alright to say the same thing you have written in your application form or make it different and consider new reasons?
This is totally fine, though I would be mindful. This is because, in applications of like 200-300 words, you are limited in how much you can say to express your desire for a firm. Thus, you are
naturally resricted in expressing your full passions for a firm - and should certainly very much be! In interviews, you will need to expand in more detail on why that firm appeals, going into greater detail on practices, your past experiences, specific deals (that aren’t so easily applicable to other firms), including even more reasons, and so on. Another issue with relying too heavily on application answers becomes particularly relevant when the interview isn’t CV blind. Expect your interviewers to certainly probe you on what you have mentioned, and it also becomes risky when you rely verbatim on just the information contained in such a short word limit.
In short, what I’m trying to say is that mentally, you should have like 2000+ words of reasoning for why a firm appeals.This is ofcourse an exaggeration on my part. If you can demonstrate a solid understanding why
that firm appeals
to you, through adding new details or expanding more on what you wrote, then repeating points is not an issue.