I did my VI on the 27th not sure what the next stage would be- I think AC
Yes, the next stage is an AC I think.. On their website, they call it "selection day" (
"The recruitment process for both the vacation scheme and training contract comprises:
Stage 1: An application form to be completed online. We ask for information about you: your qualifications, languages and any relevant work experience. We also have some strengths-based questions exploring situations you have faced or could face in the role, your response to these situations and what energises you about them.
We are proud to be using the REALrating Contextual Recruitment System, which helps us ensure fairness and equality in our application reviews. As a firm we are committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable hiring process. REALrating provides us with information to assess applicants’ academic achievements accurately and fairly, as well as within the context of their educational and personal circumstances.
Stage 2: A video interview with strengths-based questions exploring situations you have faced or could face in the role, your response to these situations and what energises you about them. The video interview is not ‘live’ and you will record your answers in response to the questions presented. You will not have an opportunity to pause the video or re-record your answers. The video itself will be approximately 10 minutes in length and will ask you strengths-based questions.
Stage 3: Selection day includes a strengths-based interview and two exercises, helping us assess not just what you can do, but what you have the potential to do and what you are energised by. Further details will be provided nearer the time of your selection day."