he principal reason I want to join
DLA Piper is the firm’s supportive and collaborative culture, since during the Summer Associates Programme at
DLA Piper Dinu I benefited from the entire team taking an active interest in my development. As I was the only first-year student and the only intern who had not studied Romanian law, senior associates like (lawyer name) spent additional time to explain each task in detail. Another instance was when Counsel (lawyer name) invited me for lunch to discuss my future career goals and allocated me tasks that involved multi-jurisdictional research, enabling me to leverage my English contract law expertise. This continuous support allowed me to perform at a high standard and earn a letter of recommendation from the country’s managing partner.
While attending the ‘A day in the life at
DLA Piper’ online presentation, I became convinced that the English offices place just as much emphasis on these values. Natalie Dalton explained that during the pandemic, the firm encouraged people to join periodic online meetings to play social games. The fact that DL