I don’t normally post on the forum as much but I am absolutely fuming. I thought that friday would be the last day before Christmas that we’d be hearing back from firms it was nice to not constantly be on my emails checking. I’ve received 3 rejections in 1 hour. What the hell. Rejections are nothing to me but when I sit there for days researching and writing your application, getting on trains and tubes to attend open days missing classes/income as well as sitting and watching online webinars for 1 firm it really boils my blood.
DLA Piper rejection after passing the WG why give it on the 23rd December?? They already knew we were not good enough so why wait 2 days before Christmas I passed the beginging of October. They already gave VS offers very very cruel.
Dechert rejection, I went to the open day, met them at a law fair and kept in contact after said open day. I was invited to an event from one of their trainees via LinkedIn as I built such good relationships with them all. I put this all in my application. I made a very good application not to sound cocky. I SPOKE to grad rec last week!! And they reject me today like wtf. Fair enough reject me but why on the 23rd? Why 2 days prior to Christmas next thing you know I’ll be getting rejections on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Why said your last day is the 20th then continue to send communications after? Day is ruined.