• Hey Guest, check out Andrei's new guide to building a winning law firm application strategy here. Good luck this cycle :)

TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25


Standard Member
Sep 7, 2024
Hey guys, I am one year post grad- took a gap year and have been paralegaling for about 2 months now. i am looking to apply for straight TC's as I can't get enough days off my job to attend vac schemes. Not sure if I will be disadvantaging myself doing this as I know alot of firms hire through vac schemes. Applying for around 5 firms and doing about 2-3 hours of research per firm before drafting my application. Does this sound like a good plan of action? Intrigued on peoples thoughts!


Star Member
  • Dec 29, 2023
    Not too sure about when Kirkland will open for this cycle, but they don’t review applications for any of their positions/open days on a rolling basis (even though they say they do). A bit like how they advertise vacation schemes and then just don’t do them.

    White & Case at this point is pretty much a guaranteed PFO I reckon, especially if you haven’t heard back from the initial written application stage or telephone interview. If you’ve reached the AC or partner interview, there might still be some hope.

    PH deffo offers more hope though as I don’t know of anyone who’s heard from them. As far as I tell, no one has received an interview yet.


    Legendary Member
    Gold Member
    Premium Member
    Jan 1, 2023
    Hey guys, I am one year post grad- took a gap year and have been paralegaling for about 2 months now. i am looking to apply for straight TC's as I can't get enough days off my job to attend vac schemes. Not sure if I will be disadvantaging myself doing this as I know alot of firms hire through vac schemes. Applying for around 5 firms and doing about 2-3 hours of research per firm before drafting my application. Does this sound like a good plan of action? Intrigued on peoples thoughts!
    I did this method last year and got ACs for every vac scheme I applied for but none of the direct TCs. Ttake from that what you will but I think you are massively disadvantaged going through the direct route for just about every firm except the magic circle (who are ridiculously hard to get through for so not exactly a safe bet). This year I'm taking the L and applying for vac schemes too and will just have to use all my annual leave up on interviews/schemes if I get them.

    Also on that point, love firms that harp on about social mobility but only hire through vac schemes


    Legendary Member
    Gold Member
    Premium Member
    Jan 1, 2023
    And we're back:rolleyes:

    Last Cycle
    • 71 applications (about 15 WVS applications, 15 Spring VS applications, 15 SVS applications and ~30 direct TC applications)
    • obtained 7 ACs
      • including 2 Vacation schemes awarded
    This cycle
    • aiming for 23 - 25 applications
    how on earth did you manage that many? seriously impressed


    Distinguished Member
    Jan 25, 2024
    Does any one have any advice on how to approach this question for NRF - Norton Rose Fulbright has a sector led approach. Which one of our sectors do you think has the most potential for growth over the next 12 months, and why, and what opportunities do you see for the firm to maximise this potential?

    Should we focus on a specific area in one of their sectors for example hydrogen in their energy sector and discuss hydrogen or shall we discuss the energy sector and any growth for the firm in the energy sector. Am not sure how to structure this question and what approach to take.

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