DLA Piper-specific interview preparation resources, I thought to link the TCLA Interview Experiences page we have for the firm. It was written by other people who completed the AC in the past and gives you both a detailed description of the experience and some advice. This resource was particularly useful for me when I was preparing for ACs at other firms, so I do advise you to take a look - you can access it
here. You can also find a more recent added post on this for the 2023/24 cycle
Besides that, I thought it may be useful to also link some more general preparation resources for you. I have recently wrote a comprehensive guide for the competency interviews specifically. This includes a step-by-step preparation approach which led to me getting a VS offer from atop US/MC firm 4/4 times I implemented it last year. You can access that
I also have here three amazing guides written by
@Jacob Miller: