Hey. Honestly, in my opinion, the career doesn’t even need to be remotely close to law. Seems the law firm just wants to see your personality in this. Though, if I were to answer the question, I would personally choose a career which links to law on an international scale - their clients, for example. The reason I would do this is largely because of my career journey - I had initially wanted to become an investment banker. This will differ between everyone, so choose something you are comfortable with explaining in sufficient detail and with specificity. On your last paragraph, I believe any field has those qualities so you could really touch on anything.
I have quoted a post I made in the past above for more detail.
Thanks Amma!I had also just seen they said ‘couldn’t’, so choosing something with similar characteristics (such as legal consultant, working in-house as opposed to private practice (this is interpreting the question as saying private practice commercial lawyer though), compliance officer, document reviewer, etc) will make sense as suitable alternatives. Though again, it’s really up to you on your interests and what you genuinely want to write about. Best of luck.
I had one more question. If during an assessment centre I am given an article and asked to summarise it, what structure would you recommend following?
Would it be
1. State the key point of the article and speak briefly about what you are going to talk about.
2. Signpost and go a bit more into detail
3. Reflect on its implications on the commercial world and commercial law firms
4. What strategies the law firm should apply to capitalise on or tackle the issue
5. Conclude by stating the main points again
I would be very grateful if you could please share your thoughts