@CallumJR - hey can you please say when you got AC invite and when did you complete WG.heyyyyyyyyyy any freshfields AC invite today?
Thank you for this - I really appreciate the insight, especially as this is my first AC!! How did you prepare for the written exercise and what were the differences between the two partner interviews?I’ve had a few people message me about the Lewis Silkin AC so I thought I’d just put some general advice here! (Did it last year fyi)
The AC was very challenging tbh. Involved a written case study, group presentation, case study presentation to 4 partners, and x2 partner interviews with 2 partners each. The AC itself was one day but we had some talks/networking sessions for 3 days leading up to it. I think they might have changed the format this year so don’t take my word for it!
For the AC, my advice would be to familiarise yourself with your application. And I mean know every single detail of everything you wrote, I was grilled on one specific work experience I had for about 20 mins. Very heavy on commercial awareness, so prepare for anything and everything. The partners who interviewed me were in advertising, employment and tax so they asked me questions about that as well. Case study is relatively straight forward but the last presentation was hard since we had to do it in 10 min and it was followed by a Q&A by 4 partners.
Defo do not underestimate the AC as it was very intense and tiring! But with that being said, everyone was genuinely very nice and the interviewers are genuinely trying to get a feel for you as a person. I hope this helps, best of luck to everyone who got an AC![]()
TCLA's reviewing system is really, really good, so if you're willing to pay, try that. You can subscribe to see sample successful statements tooHi everyone, got Freshfields PFO yesterday and have been dejected since. Here because I feel in my application, the personal statement was specifically lacking as I'd never written one properly before and could not get it reviewed by anyone before the submission deadline. Want to try and make it better for future apps, so if anyone who's gotten through FF or any other firm which requires a personal statement like that of FF can reach out via DM to take a look at mine or share theirs, would highly appreciate it. Would also appreciate any advice on personal statements and any sample statements if such a resource exists. Thank you!
It’s really tricky to advise on this generally as there are too many variables and formats to be able to give an idea of what is most likely.Hi all,
Apologies in advance, I know there must be a better thread for this, and I'm also pretty sure I've seen this asked before but I can't seem to find the answer! I'm posting here because I know the thread gets a decent amount of traffic.
I am preparing for an AC coming up at the end if the month and just trying to get my ducks in a row. I have looked at a lot of the case study threads (this is the area I am most concerned about), so feel like I've got a good understanding of what is expected of me. However, I was wondering if there is a kind of "set number of typical scenarios" that I could prepare for? And what do they look like? You know how at uni the lecturer would often signal that there would be "3 types of questions" to come up and you'd prepare accordingly.
For example, I know an M&A case study is common and they'll give you two target companies to choose from. I have planned how I would potentially deal with that and feel comfortable.
However, I'm not sure what other "likely scenarios" there might be. I imagine Private Equity could come up, but not really sure what the scenario for that would look like? Would that be a credit analysis? What if they wanted to give an IP scenario? I have no idea what that could look like or what I'd say.
Is any of this making sense? I already feel like I'm waffling.
@Amma Usman @Jessica Booker I'm tagging you guys because for some reason I feel like I've seen you respond to this before?
I would generally say this is okay - but use your discretion on this, you will have a clearer idea of how it looks on you.Hi @Jessica Booker, hope you're well. I have an AC coming up and I was wondering what is an acceptable outfit to wear. I have a black blazer which is slightly oversized. Do you think it would be better if I bought something that is more fitted?
Was your camera on during the test? when I've done Amberjack before, the camera was on to check for cheating. Thinking of doing it today but would like to do it in bed😂Just did the WBD SJT and wow the scenarios were so generic, seemed more tailored to non-law roles. The test didn't make a whole lot of sense to me... Scored 6479 on the 4 pillars, way better than in the Paul, Weiss one for some reason (perhaps turning off my brain helped). Would love to hear how others did.
No it wasn't, they just threaten to monitor your clicking/responses...etc the usual stuff. I got up and got a snack in the middle as I was starving.Was your camera on during the test? when I've done Amberjack before, the camera was on to check for cheating. Thinking of doing it today but would like to do it in bed😂
Hi!! The written exercise was just a commercial case study, I prepped by going over key commercial/business concepts and general IP, employment, contract stuff. You do get a laptop to do research during it though (not sure if it's the same this year) so I wouldn't sweat it! The partner interviews were roughly the same, just with 2 different sets of people so it really depends on who you get tbhThank you for this - I really appreciate the insight, especially as this is my first AC!! How did you prepare for the written exercise and what were the differences between the two partner interviews?
Has anyone got a positive response for Linklaters direct TC?
has anyone received a negative one?
Yeah some people have ACs for next week, three announced here so farDid anyone end up getting a Freshfields AC invite for the direct TC? In the Watson Glaser email they said their first ACs start on Monday...
did you complete a watson glazer or was this after the SJT?Hi everyone, got Freshfields PFO yesterday and have been dejected since. Here because I feel in my application, the personal statement was specifically lacking as I'd never written one properly before and could not get it reviewed by anyone before the submission deadline. Want to try and make it better for future apps, so if anyone who's gotten through FF or any other firm which requires a personal statement like that of FF can reach out via DM to take a look at mine or share theirs, would highly appreciate it. Would also appreciate any advice on personal statements and any sample statements if such a resource exists. Thank you!