TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Oct 24, 2022
How did it go for you? I wasn't successful after the VI stage
I didn't make it as well. However, they said that my performance was quite strong and they put me on the reserve list for the AC. It will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of February. Did you receive similar outcome or just a rejection ?


Esteemed Member
Dec 7, 2022
I am still waiting to hear back too. I got a mail from HR saying that they are still reviewing applications, and they asked me if I have other offers and when I have to respond to them. No interview is scheduled, though.
Is this the email from the 23rd January or a more recent one? I’m hoping they’re just going through the applications chronologically as I only decided to apply a day or two before the deadline.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2023
How many rejections are normal if someone has applied to say 25 law firms? Do good applications get 5+ shortlist for ACs?
I’m asking because I want to know if anyone has received shortlists after making changes to their application post rejections the year prior— to show that the changes did help get the shortlists and it wasn’t purely luck.


Active Member
Dec 29, 2021
How many rejections are normal if someone has applied to say 25 law firms? Do good applications get 5+ shortlist for ACs?
I’m asking because I want to know if anyone has received shortlists after making changes to their application post rejections the year prior— to show that the changes did help get the shortlists and it wasn’t purely luck.
That's too many... Even though you got 10 invites, or 3 invites, you sure you have adequately prepared yourself, prepared your mind to handle these ACs? Can you enthusiatically answer the 'why us'?
Are you genuinely drawn to these firms? If you do and you really write a good application, you will definitely get 1 to 2+ ACs with, imo, 8-12/13 applications. It looks like there are a lot of firms out there but the essential thing is - the competition is fierce. Those who are really good (68%+++, outstanding CV, strong motivation) stand out where they just need 5 good applications to get 3 or 5 MC/US firms AC. But is that your case? If I weren't that competitive, I will try selling my own case with really strong motivation, and tailor-made applications.

Got 3 ACs last year, failed them all - I think motivation is the crucial factor that let me down.

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
How many rejections are normal if someone has applied to say 25 law firms? Do good applications get 5+ shortlist for ACs?
I’m asking because I want to know if anyone has received shortlists after making changes to their application post rejections the year prior— to show that the changes did help get the shortlists and it wasn’t purely luck.
I wouldn’t say there is a number - many people won’t make 25 applications in a cycle.

If I had to estimate I would say if one in six or seven of your applications gets you to a face to face assessment stage you are doing well. When I speak to people who are getting a lower ratio than this, I generally advise they are doing exceptionally well compared to the general applicant pool.
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  • Aug 18, 2021
    How many rejections are normal if someone has applied to say 25 law firms? Do good applications get 5+ shortlist for ACs?
    I’m asking because I want to know if anyone has received shortlists after making changes to their application post rejections the year prior— to show that the changes did help get the shortlists and it wasn’t purely luck.
    It really depends if I’m being honest. Last year, I made 12 applications and had one AC, which I failed. This year I’ve made 25 applications and have 4 ACs so far, with one offer and one rejection. But some of the ACs are from places that rejected me last year. So I think it really is about identifying your firms, filling in the best applications for your target firms and also probably widening your net a bit to firms where you think you might have a shot but aren’t necessarily an exact match with what you want
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