Hi all,
Has anyone heard from:
- AS/ Harbottle & Lewis regarding the tc application
NRF ( who completed AS/WG in the first round) ( I believe yesterday was the last day for TI interviews so why have they taken so long to reject me/I am pretty sure everyone else in the first round got rejected earlier on)
- AS Barclays work experience ( since it starts in a week's time I am assuming a rejection but I haven't seen any LinkedIn posts) ( I know this thread is for TCs but idk where else to ask) .
I got rejected after AC for
BCLP which sucks because I suspect it was mainly confidence ( I was a mess and at one point the partner mentioned lawyers needing to be tough (which could have been an indirect or could have just flown from our previous conversation on settlement negotiations)) ( it may have been everything and the only thing I got right was showing up on time ( I hope they give good feedback calls)). Any tips for confidence? It sucks because I feel like it's not something you can fix overnight like CA or not knowing enough about the firm.