I was under the impression they were seeking clarity over reasonable adjustments. Perhaps they wanted to be sure of what can be deemed reasonable adjustments by asking people on the forum about their experience.He literally asked “does anyone know what I can get”.
“Has anyone been successful in getting the questions in advance”
I’m sorry, but how is anyone reading that not going to have alarm bells ringing?
It sounds exactly like they’re trying to game the system. If they really wanted to know what adjustments they were entitled to, they would not come on here trying to see what other adjustments people have got.
That’s like saying you’re allergic to nuts and can’t eat nuts and require dietary restrictions because some random user like “bigboy101” on TCLA is allergic to nuts. Please explain this logic to me?
There is NOTHING wrong with seeking guidance about reasonable adjustments.
I don’t want this to turn into a dispute. This may just be a simple misunderstanding. 🙂