Hey everyone,
I just wanted to follow up for those who were here on Friday/have experienced the user BreadandButter or 'yourworstnightmareisback'. Thank you to everyone who reported this person and to
@Jessica Booker for managing this.
We have a few ways we monitor duplicate accounts and we are about 90% sure we know who this is. Interestingly, they seem to have another account that is much nicer to everyone and one they use to react to people/be aggressive in the forums.
We've restricted one of the accounts to require approval before posting. If this is you, then I'd just suggest reviewing why you are creating new accounts to troll users. It might be more worthwhile to just focus on the law firm process.
A caveat to this is that we do sometimes get this wrong, though, and if this is the case, you can private message Jessica or email me at
[email protected]. Please also do the same if you interact with a user you feel is a previously banned account. Jess and I are really keen to make sure this community stays as kind and supportive as you are. It's only ever a tiny proportion of users like this, but we want to make sure we action this very quickly.