‘Er… yes, even I can see that…’
‘It wouldn’t just be within employment law though would it?’
Both of these comments came across as very rude and condescending. There is no need. 🤨
Maybe the first with hindsight could come across as rude but it wasn't meant to be. I was actually trying to joke that even as a non law student I can see the relevance.
The second definitely not. It isn't just an employment issue. Hence the comment framed as a question. This is same type of thing as when you consider all sorts of commercial issues and processes. It has much more off a crossover in the same way as AI, CSR, ESG does these days which led on to my comment about wider commercial awareness which is what firms are looking for.
I apologise if the original poster took it that way. It wasn't meant that way and did not warrant in any way the comments piled on me after. It is a shame a few people piled on without taking the time to think through what was being said.