anyone thats doing a VI, how do you remember all this information?
I'm preparing for all types of questions but find it hard to remember in such a short time too
I know it's a no go to read off a screen, any advice?
I found that once you've gone through a question bank of, say, 50 questions, you've covered 99% of what you might ever get asked. Anything else and you can usually figure something out on the spot, based on what you already know.
For me, the hard part was making sure I had an example for each question, as the sound of 50 answers for 50 questions was overwhelming. If you asked me, I'd go blank, even though I have tonnes of experiences. In reality, they don't all need to be unique, as long as you don't repeat examples to the interviewer. You just rehash the same dozen or so to fit by highlighting the relevant skills for the question.
With that in mind, you could try making a bank of personal examples, highlighting 2 or 3 skills or question type use cases (competency, motivational, situational, etc) for each. With a confident grasp of your examples, you can fit them to most scenarios. That's my take, at least!