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For Ropes & Gray "Describe three characteristics that you believe make an outstanding Ropes & Gray lawyer and how that lawyer would drive our business," am I supposed to explain why I think I have these skills even though this isn't specifically asked?
For the Ropes and Gray question use this as guidance because we were all confused as to whether we needed to link the question back to us as well. 😂Morning all!
Ropes and Gray. Advice given was variable and nobody seemed to have consensus so I took the opportunity to ask Ropes directly for their input. Maya very kindly came back to me a minute ago with very detailed clarification around what they want. Ultimately, tie back to your own experience IF word count permits without compromising your answer. Hope this helps 🙏
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its out already?Question for anyone who has received a WG from Freshfields - how soon after completing the Online Assesment did you receive the WG?
Thank you so much!
edit: in reference to the direct TC
Does anyone know for AG if you can be considered for a direct TC if successful at the AC? The app name is 2025 Placement Scheme / 2027 Training Contract / Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship so I am assuming (praying there is that possibility). Is it worth asking their recruitment?
i'm pretty sure i've seen some people that have been invited to take the WG, although i'm not sure whether it's been for vs or tcits out already?
I didn’t apply to either Freshfields or Linklaters but I did see many forum users speak about application progress for Freshfields. 🙂🙂you got WG?
For the VS, ACs have been happening since at least the start of this week and definitely continue into next week and probably beyond.Anyone heard from Freshfields post WG for the VS??
I have only seen one person receive an AC and their response was pretty quick so I’m growing a bit concerned haha
Thank you so much! I have tried to avoid VS where possible as I work in a big 4 consulting firm, it is not a conflict of interest but I just know my request to take unpaid leave and do the scheme would be rejected in an instant and I feel them even knowing would impact my role and career opportunities there! Definitely getting ahead of myself but wanted to check, I appreciate your response 👌Hiya @Katy12345
This could definitely be a possibility. If you're successful in securing a vacation scheme offer, it’s worth raising this with graduate recruitment to see if there’s flexibility. For now, I’d focus on the assessment centre and securing the vacation scheme first. I had a similar experience at a firm where I couldn't accept the vacation scheme offer, and asked if they would be willing to invite me to interview for the direct training contract. Thankfully, they were willing to consider me for the direct training contract. While it's possible they can reject the request, I've generally found most firms witha direct training contract route to be quite accommodating here. At the very least, it’s always worth asking. Best of luck!
I would say 2 bullet points would only be appropriate for short roles (those less than 2 weeks) or roles with very basic responsibilities. Generally, somewhere between 3-8 bullet points is appropriate subject to the nature of the role, how complex it was, how long you did it for, and what you achieved within the role.General question about CVs. I have received different advice on how many bullet points/information to include under each experience. Some have recommended to include no more than 2 bullet points and others have said that I am not stelling myself enough. What do you all think?
Could I please have your opinion? @Jessica Booker @Andrei Radu Thank you![]()