Quick q, what's the consensus on doing an insight scheme in a non-london office, if the end goal is to qualify in London?
To put it plainly, I'll be applying for the
CMS insight programme, it is offered in my uni city, and also in London. It would be far preferable to do it in my uni city of course, I wouldn't have to travel across the country, or pay for accomodation. While the scheme is paid (£475), after trains and airbnb or whatever for a week, I would definitely be losing money, vs in my uni city I'd be earning, which would really help me out. My uni city is also close to my home city, where I'm planning to be for the week after for family commitments.
But from a career perspective, I'm keen to work in London. It's a little vague on the website, it is an insight scheme and not a vac scheme after all, but it does say you "may be fast tracked to an assessment centre for a training contract". At the same time, I'm actually really interested in the graduate solicitor apprenticeship at
CMS rather than a traditional training contract, so I don't know how that affects things.
Basically I'm asking, is it really silly of me to do an insight programme in my uni city, just to get more legal experience and firm exposure to then later apply for the graduate solicitor apprenticeship in London?