I'm getting really antsy over Brabners VS offer- been rejected everywhere else this year- hopefully I get a test invite. 😭
How confident are you in your knowledge of the core LLB/PGDL subjects, including Contract, Tort, Trusts, Land, Criminal, and Public Law?
TCLA is teaming up with BPP for a free interactive event designed to refresh your fundamentals, especially for those interested in or planning to take the SQE. We'll practise multiple choice SQE questions, with prizes for the highest scoring participants!
Register Hereuse SWOT structure and try to make short sentences. Don’t forget to use data from graphs/charts they give. Also proofread it, because they are very strict with any spelling mistakes tbh.does anyone have any tips for slaughter's written exercise? thanks in advance.
Just received my last outcome of the cycle—a summer VS offer (won't share the firm name)! Thankful to round out the application season.
All in all: 15 applications, 3 ACs, 2 VS offers and 1 TC offer. Thanks to everyone here for the advice and support!
thanks for this, can i ask if it is a report or a letter/ email?use SWOT structure and try to make short sentences. Don’t forget to use data from graphs/charts they give. Also proofread it, because they are very strict with any spelling mistakes tbh.
Thank you so so much 😭 you are amazing.I have responded via PM.
it was report for me. I think it is usually a report because I recall them mentioning it on their website.thanks for this, can i ask if it is a report or a letter/ email?
Thank you so much!! I will reply to this after workWow congratulations that’s impressive! Do you have any application/interview tips? I find paralegal roles are also quite competitive 😫
Also could use some advice on that matter, I need a job 😭Thank you so much!! I will reply to this after workfeel free to message me if I forget but I am sure I won't lol
No - this would not be seen as a red flag as it is expected that people change jobs. It would only be if there were lots of changes (e.g. lots of short stints in various roles in a matter of months) that firms would be curious as to why you had changed jobs so often. This is because they are concerned there are either performance issues or you aren't very committed to each role (and therefore might have the same approach with them).@Jessica Booker Bit of an odd question I was hoping you (or someone else) could help with! I'm a career changer currently working in a non-law corporate job. If I changed jobs within an application cycle or process (but staying in the same industry I'm looking to eventually move out of), would firms look down on this or see it as a red flag? For example, if my application form had one job down, but I was in a different job come the Vacation Scheme.