TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Sep 6, 2023
If I have a VS offer and can choose between a one week scheme in spring or a two week scheme in summer, is there an advantage in choosing either one for the purpose of getting offered a TC? I am in my final year so am leaning toward the spring scheme but do not want to disadvantage myself if there is a better chance of securing a TC off of the summer scheme?

I know it is probably impossible to know the answer precisely but if you had to guess given your experience it would be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance! @axelbeugre @Jessica Booker
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Nov 2, 2022
That can’t be right though, that’s 31/36!!!
TCLA ran a session on how to pass video interviews with Charlotte Lear from Reed Smith and she said that the feedback report has no bearing on the overall outcome of the application. The report’s more a reflection of a candidate’s strengths and nothing else. Besides, if they were to select based on a cut-off score, why even have a VI together with the SJT. So I’m not really sure if the progression of candidates is solely based on the SJT score itself. Either way, I’m not keeping my hopes too high atp

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
If I have a VS offer and can choose between a one week scheme in spring or a two week scheme in summer, is there an advantage in choosing either one for the purpose of getting offered a TC? I am in my final year so am leaning toward the spring scheme but do not want to disadvantage myself if there is a better chance of securing a TC off of the summer scheme?

I know it is probably impossible to know the answer precisely but if you had to guess given your experience it would be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance! @axelbeugre @Jessica Booker
No - the standards will be the same across the schemes. I would go with the programme that works better for you based on your other commitments.

Just be mindful that the Spring scheme will be a matter of weeks before your final exams.
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Sep 14, 2023
If I have a VS offer and can choose between a one week scheme in spring or a two week scheme in summer, is there an advantage in choosing either one for the purpose of getting offered a TC? I am in my final year so am leaning toward the spring scheme but do not want to disadvantage myself if there is a better chance of securing a TC off of the summer scheme?

I know it is probably impossible to know the answer precisely but if you had to guess given your experience it would be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance! @axelbeugre @Jessica Booker
I did a spring scheme and I would say that sometimes the spring might be better but that was my experience, more offers were given out in the spring compared to the summer. But it really does not matter!
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