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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
@Jessica Booker @axelbeugre I have self-funded the LPC. Two questions:

1. Do you think firms might not be able to tell I self funded it and might think another firm let me go post offer because of me breaching something in my TC offer etc.?

2. If so, then do you think I should email firms to clarify that I self-funded?
Highly unlikely - thousands of people self-fund each year. However, you can make it clear on your application you have self-funded.
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  • Dec 28, 2023
    If anyone has done BM SJT, any advice? I feel like I'm never sure how to answer SJT questions - should you look at their values and answer accordingly or is there something else to keep in mind to perform well ?


    Star Member
    Sep 11, 2023
    What does a lawyers profile on the website have anything to do with client meetings though? You are not making coherent points. Have you ever done a client pitch exercise at a law firm before?

    I’ll break it down for you:
    - Clients create a legal panel with several law firms pitching for work
    - Law firms will present their strengths, practice areas, ED&I documents, similar deals, ESG credentials, etc.
    - Clients will evaluate all the evidence and choose which law firm gets to represent them

    At no point is educational background, university degrees, etc ever mentioned.

    It’ll be surprising if a client for e.g. Google, BMW, etc. who are hiring diverse candidates will then look to law firms who only have Oxbridge students? How will law firms possibly be able to understand their business model and values, if they don’t have diversity on their legal panels?
    Can confirm this is how it works. I work in BD in an international elite with a particular focus on client dev and no client as far as I am aware gives two hoots about degree. Most lawyers we put forward in pitches graduated years ago. At this point it matters more about DEI quota, hourly rates, and credentials ie matters worked on.


    Legendary Member
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    May 15, 2022
    Hi! I wanted to ask if anyone maybe has a list of firms or knows the firms that allow you to apply for their TC after you have been rejected from the vac scheme (so same cycle). I think I have heard there are some. Thanks!!!
    Hey!! So sorry that you had to witness such an awful response. Contrary to what was said, this is a very common thing for candidates to do. Please see this thread for the list https://www.thecorporatelawacademy....ple-times-in-the-same-recruitment-cycle.5113/

    Edit: I believe there are way more firms beyond this list, you'll have to do some digging into FAQ sections of particular firms to find out. Goodluck!


    Legendary Member
    Sep 13, 2023
    Thank you ☺ I hope you receive some good news from Mishcon (who rejected me at app stage LOL) MR or BDB soon
    Ah where else did you apply? Funnily enough Mishcon was going to be my main firm for application season but the competition is too much so I backed out. Glad I did after I found out a Trainee is the child of one of the staff high up in the firm.

    I applied for:
    Bates Wells
    Linklaters - rejection
    Need to finish off Womble Bond
    Anthony Collins
    Stephenson Harwood - Aspiring Solicitors
    Irwin Mitchell

    I really want Bates Wells cause of the Immigration and Charities seats but I majorly fucked up the App. I’m aiming for Mills and Reeve atm because it’s training is solid and I like the specialisation in Education.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
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