Generally if they never sell and there are no dividends then they will make no money off the shares themselves.Does anyone know how majority shareholders in a huge company make money if the company doesn’t issue dividends and they don’t plan on selling their shares ever?
One thing people will do, though, is take shares that have good growth, hold them, and borrow against the value of those shares at wildly low interest (borrowing more as the value increases, at an interest rate lower than the average annual appreciation of the shares) and put that borrowed money into cash-generative investments or shorter-hold trading strategies. May periodically need to refinance the debt. Similar moves are possible with margin trading where you post your HODL shares as collateral, for those who have access to it.
Obviously this can be risky if the shares you have as collateral + your other investments tank at the same time and you get a margin call or default cause of capital inadequacy or something like that.
This also mostly only works with public companies, much harder to use private shares as collateral because 1) the shareholders' agreement probably won't let you and 2) the banks don't want to become minority shareholders in a private company with no liquidity
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