Hi, I need as much advice on this as possible. I am a final year law student from India. I have a good Indian law firm job in hand that I shall have to join in August if I accept the offer. I don't need to accept the offer anytime soon, so I have a lot of time in hand. I have been considering TC apps for quite some time since I would want to work abroad and many of my seniors from university have gotten successful in securing TCs at firms like CC, Freshfields and Bakers. However, I feel like I have wasted quite a lot of time thinking and have actually missed most of the deadlines till now. The only firm I applied to was CC, where I got rejected after clearing WG. Should I start applying now given my limited knowledge of commercial awareness (I used to listen to a few podcasts from august- October end, and I have a good grasp of basic concepts like M&A, PE)? Do I even have good firms left because I feel most deadlines for this year have already ended? Will I be able to write apps in the very limited time I am left now?
Please help me out!
Please help me out!