TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2024-5


Star Member
Premium Member
Aug 15, 2024
Hey @floral.tcla I recently reviewed someone's answer to this question and they had previously managed to speak with a graduate recruiter about it at a Clifford Chance event. The recruiter's advice was the following:
  1. You should take around 200 words to ensure you properly elaborate on the achievement of importance and make sure you explain the reason it is your proudest accomplishment.
  2. Take the rest 300 words to go through at least one extra curricular and one position of responsibility. Use the STAR structure and be very specific in describing the exact things you did.
  3. Whenever possible, quantify your results and explain your performance in the context of how competitive it was.
  4. Explain the relevance of each of the experiences you mention for the day to day job of a trainee/junior associate, and when possible make links to the specific features of Clifford Chance that distinguish it from other firms.
Thank you so much Andrei :)


Legendary Member
Premium Member
  • Nov 18, 2023
    Hi @Jessica Booker, I received an invite to do the Freshfields WG test which also contained a link to do a practice test. I clicked on the link to check whether it was working and closed the window after. When I try to access the practice test now, it doesn't let me do it. Do you think it would be detrimental to ask the recruitment team to send me a new link to the practice test? In case it may showcase me as not having attention to detail or another competency required for a lawyer.
    Hey - I opened the link and it showed, I had already filled the form - which was strange.


    Valued Member
    Oct 14, 2024
    Hey - I opened the link and it showed, I had already filled the form - which was strange.
    Grad rec responded and said to use this practice test instead



    Esteemed Member
    Oct 22, 2023
    Has anyone that applied to Curtis recently heard back? I submitted my app 2 weeks ago and now it’s 5 days past deadline, no confirmation email or anything. I understand that they don’t inform unsuccessful applicants, has anyone been succesful?


    Legendary Member
    Gold Member
    Premium Member
    Feb 1, 2022
    Has anyone that applied to Curtis recently heard back? I submitted my app 2 weeks ago and now it’s 5 days past deadline, no confirmation email or anything. I understand that they don’t inform unsuccessful applicants, has anyone been succesful?
    Did you receive an automated email response? I think that’s the confirmation.

    I applied in late November and haven’t heard anything, but I believe they are non-rolling. If they only started reviewing 5 days ago people might not hear back for a while


    Esteemed Member
    Oct 22, 2023
    Did you receive an automated email response? I think that’s the confirmation.

    I applied in late November and haven’t heard anything, but I believe they are non-rolling. If they only started reviewing 5 days ago people might not hear back for a while
    No I didn’t receive the automatic email response either, did you? Also fair enough it might be too early

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