Hi guys, when preparing for interviews how do you manage to remember everything like your motivations, competencies, commercial awareness all in one as i have written out answers but when it comes to speaking it i forget most of it i just do not know how else you are meant to approach this as i am going to just look unprepared if my mind goes blank and really panicking?
It's natural to be nervous in interviews which can definitely make remembering everything more difficult.
My advice is that for motivations and competencies, things that are more personal than commercial awareness, are better to consider out in advance as key points, and fill in the details more naturally as part of the conversation in the interview. Having something written out in full increases the pressure on you when you forget a detail or lose your place. You know yourself, so if you give yourself a few moments before answering to remember the the motivation or competency, you can then describe it as you see fit in the interview. If you forget a detail or the order of things it doesn't matter.
Commercial awareness is definitely harder to improvise, and if you're spending less time memorising competencies and motivations it's hopefully a little easier to remember the details.
More generally, take your time with each question. If you're particularly stumped, ask if you can take a moment to gather your thoughts, or ask a clarifying question. It's hard but it does get easier with practice.