Clifford Chance's TC application form it asks for details re any instances where you've not managed to convert to a TC following a vac scheme.
The question on the CC application is specifically worded this way —
If your answer to the above question was 'no' we would appreciate any detail you feel comfortable providing. Please write N/A if this is not applicable to you.
Can anyone offer some guidance on how I should approach answering this? I really don't want my whole application to be seen in a bad light just because I failed to convert / did not word my response to this question properly. Also, I think I would much rather disclose the fact that I've failed to convert to a TC following a vac scheme rather than try to hide it at this stage, but I just want to word it well to show that I've improved as a candidate since that rejection.
For context, I failed to convert because the scheme I was on (as far as I'm aware) was mostly un-assessed and I screwed up the final interview and written exercise. For the interview, the feedback I got was I wasn't listening to the interviewers carefully enough and I wasn't answering their questions. Same with the written exercise — I think I misread the question and ended up missing the point and my response didn't really answer the question.
I've had success with winter vac scheme interviews and written exercises since then, so I think that's a good indicator that I've definitely improved in my interview technique/verbal communication skills and attention to detail when it comes to written exercises. But I'm not sure if it's appropriate to list having success with vac scheme assessments since the TC rejection as evidence that I've improved as a candidate. I remember speaking to an interviewer (interviewer was grad rec) about my TC rejection at a winter vac scheme interview I had recently and she actually noted that it's good that I have shown resilience in continuing to apply for winter vac schemes despite this setback last summer, that I chose not to take criticism personally and that I took ownership of the mistakes I made instead of blaming it on external factors - so I suppose in my response I could mention smth along the lines of my attitude towards feedback, utilising feedback to improve myself and remaining resilient?
Should I, instead, include other examples of how I've shown proactiveness in growing in my verbal communication skills and attention to detail since I got the feedback? Also, how long should my response to this question be (there is no word limit)?
Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated - especially if you've had to communicate this in a direct TC application before and had success with progressing to AC!