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TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Jun 27, 2023
Hey, when did you hear back? I haven’t heard back yet.. also do you know if they send out first round interview invites in batches or should I assume it’s a PFO? Thanks
Hello! I wish I knew more information to give you, but tbh, I wouldn't assume it's a PFO. I did some research and they conduct telephone interviews in mid-late July and ACs in Early August. I think there are only 2-3 Graduate recruiters in the London office, so they are probably beginning to move along, it's likely you could receive emails throughout the week!


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  • Feb 10, 2020
    Hi! I have a feedback call tomorrow after an unsuccessful AC.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can make the most out of the feedback call? Thank you
    I think make a list of where you might've gone wrong to ask how you performed in each part of the AC, perhaps ask what they wanted to see, what would've made your responses stronger, maybe technique points for written tasks/group exercises to see if there's anything you can tweak. Perhaps ask if you can reapply in the next cycle and how the process works for that. Definitely try and get as many concrete points as possible to improve for the next one (could also be a potential competency question of bouncing back from rejection etc!)

    Mike Wazaoski

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    Nov 12, 2018
    Hi! I have a feedback call tomorrow after an unsuccessful AC.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can make the most out of the feedback call? Thank you
    • Keep a pen and paper with you to make all the notes
    • Ask them the criteria you were marked against
    • Ask what you can do to work on the feedback areas
    • Request a DSAR (my favourite)*: You can go to the firm's privacy policy to find details of the privacy inbox email address to request a DSAR. Under the GDPR and UK DPA 2018 you can submit a Data Subject Access Request requesting a copy of the personal information associated with your application (This includes a copy of detailed assessment centre and interview observation notes, for you specifically)

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hi @Jessica Booker, just had a quick question. What’s the protocol for following up with a firm after a Vac scheme? How long should I wait after the scheme has ended to wait for results? And if it’s past that period what’s the best way to ask for an update? Phone, email or through my trainee buddy? Thanks!
    The amount of time can vary massively. If the firm did not make it clear to you when you would hear back, then email them asking for details of when you will hear back. This should be through graduate recruitment/your HR contact rather than your buddy.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    @Jessica Booker would resitting a module on the LPC have a strong negative impact on an application to White & Case? Despite having good undergraduate grades for example. Or would they look at the application holistically?
    I don’t know the specifics for White & Case. I wouldn’t expect one module to weigh that heavily though. The only issue is if the firm has a general policy for sponsored trainees that they have to pass the LPC on first sitting, as they are likely to apply the same policy to self-funders too


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    May 30, 2023
    TC offer at my dream firm. I was rejected at the final stage of the TC application process for another firm that I loved last cycle which was so disappointing. I couldn't have done this without the support and information provided by this forum! It's really true - keep going and you will get a TC at the firm that is absolutely right for you.
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    May 30, 2023
    with regard to the white & case direct application - the section that asks "please give details of any interests and extra-curricular activities, including any positions of responsibility or achievements." is separate from the covering letter

    should i treat this as the area to put my "why me" section from my covering letter? or still include a why me section in the letter? seems like theres a lot of crossover and not sure what would be different between the two
    I would focus specifically on the details of the activities/experiences and what skills you gained :)
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