Hi, I take way way way too long!! I am working full time as a paralegal and often finish at 7/8pm so I don't get much time on weeknights. But I struggle to stay focussed on the weekends and also find time to relax. When I do start writing I become a perfectionist and take ages to just write one answer. Then I doubt my abilities entirely and get frustrated which makes the whole process even longer. If anyone can offer some tips to me too, that would be great!
I have worked out the best time of the day to work for me though (I am not a night owl and focus better first thing in the morning) so maybe try that too? Set a few hours during the day to work to the best of your abilities and put your phone away for that time. Might help (although I don't know your situation)!
Omg thank you for this! Reading it I'm literally like "yes, that's me...yes, that's also me" hahah - I work full time too and also finish around the same time 7pm ish some days! Totally agree, I'm also a perfectionist and writing even one answer takes AGES. I also focus better in the morning so I think prioritising those hours is definitely a good idea. Jessica also mentioned in another thread that perhaps going outside to a cafe or something similar for a few hours for some quiet time away from the house could help - maybe that'll work for you?