• Hey Guest, check out Andrei's new guide to building a winning law firm application strategy here. Good luck this cycle :)

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  1. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi @danielles ! Legal Cheek firm pages are a great resource for this, as they have pie charts which show the university breakdown of the current trainees at the firm (by group). Generally, you will find that elite US firms are more selective about university type, for example, Kirkland & Ellis...
  2. Kay Aston

    Ask 4 future trainees ANYTHING! *New TCLA Team Members*

    Hi there @ashwright ! Thanks for the questions, and i'm so glad you took inspiration from our journeys ✨ @Amma Usman has given some absolutely fantastic insights, so I don't have too much in addition to add! But my personal thoughts are below: 1. I agree that studying a law degree doesn't...
  3. Kay Aston

    I need some help with the online assessments for training contracts/ vacation schemes

    Hi @esnora17 ! Which online assessments are you referring to here? There are some very helpful posts on the Watson Glaser, the Capp, and the Arctic Shore, if you let me know which assessments you are failing I can point you in the right direction! ✨
  4. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi @legaldruid ! These are Ashursts values as outlined in their Code of Conduct: It also states them on their website here, in the second to last line on the page. Hope this helps!
  5. Kay Aston

    Current list of law firms with their A level requirements

    Hi @DJ250697 welcome to the TCLA community! There is a useful TCLA thread on this topic here, which offers a list of firms with no A-level requirements. It is worth bearing in mind that firms are a lot less focussed on A-levels nowadays, on account of social mobility and accessibility. So even...
  6. Kay Aston

    Winter, Spring and Summer Vacation Scheme Deadlines 2024-25 (with rolling/non rolling checklist!)

    Hi @Lastseasonwonder ! I think that there are a few ways you can do it, and I know that some people are more descriptive about skills etc. However, I take a similar approach to you in which I stay fairly factual, and let the experiences speak for themselves. If you want to spell it out a bit...
  7. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hey @adrk1234! You are right that this can be approached in a number of ways. I think that law firms sometimes ask questions like this just to see what approach you might take, so feel free to be creative! To your question, I think you could talk about law firms or businesses or both, but bear...
  8. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hey there @SSR27 ! Congratulations on the Open Day! I want to second @Jessica Booker's advice to travel down a day or two early if possible, but also wanted to flag that if you email the firm and explain your situation, they are often very understanding from my experience, and may be able to...
  9. Kay Aston

    Hi all!

    @Tsitsipas10S That's a great way to look at it, and a very similar situation to the one I found myself in! The key is to really leverage that professional exprience. Feel free to ask me any queries you may have, i'm happy to help wherever I can! ✨
  10. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi there @User5678 ! @SoonToBeTrainee has given some great advice which I definitely second, locating firms which are strong in both Real Estate and the Finance/PE work that you are interested in, will be your best bet. There are so many full-service firms which will have great reputations in...
  11. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi @bollingdale ! I completed my fair share of video interviews, and found the hardest bit by a mile to be the time pressure! My advice would be (and it's easier said than done) to try not to say too much. In video interviews, you are being assessed on the content, but importantly you're also...
  12. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi @saminoriya ! It is not necessary to directly spell out in each of your experiences how they would relate to A&O, but I would definitely be mindful of the qualities and values that A&O advertise that they are looking for in future trainees, and have these in mind while writing out your roles...
  13. Kay Aston

    Journey to a TC - career change!

    Amazing progress 🚀 excited to follow your journey @THE GOAT !
  14. Kay Aston

    Resources for Black Letter Law

    Hi @John Doe 555 333 - appreciate this post was a few days ago, did you manage to find any good resources? I study my LLM SQE with Ulaw, and I find the textbooks provided to be very good but (almost unmanageably) detailed. Therefore, I prefer to utilise more concise notes such as the Revise SQE...
  15. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Congratulations @NMA - fantastic news 🚀
  16. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi Shatu, this is a great question. It is important to take a step back and think about what Ashurst are trying to see from you in these questions. In the first, they are looking for professional skills (e.g. leadership, adaptability, attention to detail), so use these as a starting point, and...
  17. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi @l789 ! You're very welcome and I am so glad you took something positive from my story 😁 Unfortunately, I don't have a ton of experience with applying to US firms, as my applications were focussed on MC, SC and other top 20 UK firms. However, my generic advice would be the same as it is...
  18. Kay Aston

    Recommendation of SQE1 Test Centres in London

    Hiya @legally.brunette ! Full disclosure, I have not sat my SQE1 yet. However, I have a few friends who have, and I have heard specifically good things about the Southwark test centre (small group, relaxed atmosphere etc.) It would be great to hear from others who have sat SQE1 and hear...
  19. Kay Aston

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hey @l789 - unfortunately the website states that these open days are only applicable to 'Penultimate and final year law and non-law students, and graduates', which means that you wouldn't be eligible to apply in your first year. However, L&W do have a First Year Spring Scheme, for which the...
  20. Kay Aston

    TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2024-5

    Hi @Moorview - thanks for your questions! Completely understandable to be nervous when approaching applications, especially from a non-conventional route. Similarly, I worked in a different industry before transitioning to law, and I also had to navigate mitigating circumstances in my...

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The Corporate Law Academy (TCLA) was founded in 2018 because we wanted to improve the legal journey. We wanted more transparency and better training. We wanted to form a community of aspiring lawyers who care about becoming the best version of themselves.


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