I am currently in the process of applying for
DLA Piper's Summer Internship programme (Sheffield office). One of the application questions is:
DLA Piper, we believe great business can make a better world. We believe in being collaborative, bold, exceptional, and supportive. We are keen to hear what inspired your application. Why are you interested in starting a legal career at
DLA Piper? (Max 200 words/1,500 Characters)'
I have written the following as a rough draft, but I'm not overly convinced by what I've written so far. It feels too generic. (?) I was also wondering whether applicants are expected to tailor their applications with the strengths of a specific office (i.e. Sheffield as opposed to London) in mind? Any feedback hugely appreciated!
DLA Piper genuinely substantiates its claim as a "global firm" with a 16% international secondment rate for trainees and operations across numerous jurisdictions. As a modern languages graduate, I value the opportunity to work for a firm that offers true international experiences. I am eager to apply my multilingual abilities, cross-border intellectual property experience, and diverse cultural knowledge to my legal career.
Since completing my undergraduate degree, I have earned a PGDL and worked in various roles, including management in hospitality, translation, and business intelligence research. This multi-disciplinary background aligns with
DLA Piper's emphasis on individuality and diversity. My unique perspective allows me to approach problems differently from traditional law graduates, offering innovative, business strategy-oriented solutions that align with clients’ commercial goals.
My academic and professional experiences have fostered a strong interest in intellectual property, M&A, and private equity.
DLA Piper’s consistent ranking as number one by deal count for global M&A over the past 14 years and its recognition as a top firm for global private equity are remarkable. With such high volumes of work,
DLA Piper is the ideal place to gain hands-on experience and learn from industry-leading experts.