Can any1 suggest good questions to ask at an AC in the interview, ive got some in mind relating to the firm itself but are there any good ones which are bit more general or specific to the interviewers I can ask?
Definitely agree with this, I've had interviews where it's gone over the time and I've been unsuccessful because I wasn't concise in my answers.I don't have a lot of experience in this area so pls feel free to disregard my comment lol, but I once had an interview with similar timelines as you and in this case I was unsuccessful and one of the reasons they listed was that I didn't develop my answers enough. That being said, if you feel you fully explored the questions they asked you I personally don't think it being shorter is an issue, can mean you were clear and succinct in your answers too.
You should make an effort to introduce yourself to people - but that won’t take any time. That only needs to be in your department or when you naturally interact with people from other teams.Thank you so much for your answer. I've also read that successful TC offer holders often go out of their way to knock on people's doors/ go up to people to speak to them (not during lunch but during working hours) to make themselves known. Is this actually typical and recommended? Or should I just get on with work and focus on socialising during lunch/break or events?
Amazing thank you so much for all this advice!!You should make an effort to introduce yourself to people - but that won’t take any time. That only needs to be in your department or when you naturally interact with people from other teams.
Knocking on doors is usually the process when you need work and are quiet so need to find something to do. In those instances, waking your department’s floor and asking people if there is anything you can do to help, is a good approach. Always check in with your supervisor before doing this though as it maybe that your supervisor has plans for you later in the day and you will need to manage everyone’s expectations (including your own) accordingly.
firstly, good luck and well done to reaching this stage! yes of course -reach out to as many as you can because they may not all reply in time for the ac.Any general advice for preparing for an AC? It'll be my first one ever. Also, is it acceptable to reach out to current trainees on LinkedIn for tips?
Please can some1 explain the differences between uk and American firm, I have a few ACs coming up and am worried they may ask this
Hey I noticed you have ML VS and TC on here - have you already applied direct TC then? Did you reuse the same application?Holding myself accountable again (Orrick rejection)
CC* ✅📝❌
HSF ✅📝❌
NRF ✅📝❌
Weil ✅❌
Akin ✅❌
Sidley ✅❌
Orrick ✅❌
Willkie ✅🎥❌
Cooley ✅❌
Latham ✅❌
Milbank ✅❌
Kirkland ✅❌
Dechert ✅❌
Skadden ✅❌
Goodwin ✅❌
Covington ✅❌
Linklaters* ✅📝❌
Paul, Weiss ✅❌
Slaughters* ✅❌
Freshfields* ✅📝❌
Fried Frank* ✅
Gibson Dunn ✅
Macfarlanes* ✅📝
White & Case ✅❌
Morgan Lewis ✅📞❌
Paul Hastings* ✅
White & Case* ✅
Morgan Lewis* ✅
Hogan Lovells* ✅📝
Cleary Gottlieb ✅❌
A&O Shearman ✅📝❌
Vinson & Elkins ✅❌
Arnold & Porter ✅
Baker McKenzie ✅📝❌
King & Spalding* ✅
Winston & Strawn ✅
Morrison Foerster ✅
Sullivan & Cromwell ✅❌
Key: ✅ = application submitted; 📝 = test received; 📞 = telephone interview; 🎥 = video interview; ❌ = rejection.
*Training Contract applications.
Honestly, from my AC experience (get good feedback on this too) but I always choose a topic (commercial) i.e. trump tariffs and its effects on the construction sector- then ask how it affects the firm. (HAS TO BE A TOPIC VV RELEVANT TO THE FIRM)!!Can any1 suggest good questions to ask at an AC in the interview, ive got some in mind relating to the firm itself but are there any good ones which are bit more general or specific to the interviewers I can ask?
More or less the same application. Lots of grammar issues fixed (hopefully).Hey I noticed you have ML VS and TC on here - have you already applied direct TC then? Did you reuse the same application?