huuuuuge congrats! what an achievement, i hope you take the time to celebrate!HL SVS Offer!! Been rejected by the firm 3 times so this feels incredible!
Sidley will take time, Weil is still sending VIs (quite spread apart), and Milbank has sent out ACs for just Spring from what I've noticed. I received my Latham PFO, so if you haven't, I would take that as a good sign.If I haven't heard back from the following firms by now (Katten, Milbank, Weil, Goodwin, Latham, Akin, Sidley Austin, HL, HFW), should I assume they're all PFOs?
Thank you fr, very helpfulSidley will take time, Weil is still sending VIs (quite spread apart), and Milbank has sent out ACs for just Spring from what I've noticed. I received my Latham PFO, so if you haven't, I would take that as a good sign.
No, but a follow up email from them said that you won’t receive a confirmation email. Once you watch the thank you video, your response should be savedanyone who has done the Forsters VI, did you get a confirmation email after completing the interview?
sorry to hear about latham :// do you mind me asking when you heard back and if it’s for summer?Sidley will take time, Weil is still sending VIs (quite spread apart), and Milbank has sent out ACs for just Spring from what I've noticed. I received my Latham PFO, so if you haven't, I would take that as a good sign.
May I ask when you heard and also for which office?PMC AC! Any insights would be much much appreciated xxxxxxxxxx can offer insights on Covington/HSF/Jones Day/CC ACs and Goodwin/Mishcon/Willkie/B&B, W&C and CC (last year) VIs
Hey when did you hear back from S&C? Thank you.Anyone done an S&C interview? Please PM me. Thanks!
What did they say?Yeah I heard back from foot anstey post application last Monday
hey sorry where did you hear this from? thanks so muchi thought they’re responding next week?
no worries ahha x i think it was mid-december? yes it was for summer!sorry to hear about latham :// do you mind me asking when you heard back and if it’s for summer?