The deadline is Dec 1 for both of them and they are non-rolling so you can apply for any one you it too late to apply to HSF's spring vac scheme scheme? should I apply for summer?
Jones Day AC
Is this for the spring/summer vac?
So I just did an A/C and successfully passed (with a lot of support from here)
I will be honest, the thing to remember is that they are a person and they want you to succeed, they aren't trying to trick you or trip you up, they honestly just want the best for you. I tend to find all they are looking for is whether you can build rapport with them, are friendly and approachable and understand how you react can impact a conversation.
I find it helps to be polite, professional but talk to them as normal humans - they may be the top of their field but they are also human, kind, friendly and want to have a discussion with you - my two cents. In my field I would talk to my C.E.O the same as a graduate - friendly, polite and respectfully but also as a human.
Thank you guys - I really appreciate both of your replies. Humanising the interviewer is really good advice. I am definitely guilty of idolising whoever is interviewing me - making the most of small talk + building rapport are things I will definitely do going forward. Thank you for your kindness and transparency. You guys are legends 😊 🫶I always found small talk before getting into the interview helped. It not only calms you down but it’s assures the interviewer that you‘re comfortable speaking to a those with a range of experience.
For example In an interview I was asked how my journey was to the office. I spoke about the central line being hot and crowded. I was also asked where I lived as they could also relate to the tube nightmares. From this I took the opportunity to say where I lived and where I’d love to move to which one of the partners already lived in this area! We mutually bonded over crazy housing prices as well as interest rates which fed into me being commercially aware. Small talk like this really set the tone of the interview and my nerves slowly went away. hopefully this was helpful although long haha x
Thank you so much, Andrei! I really appreciate your thoughts. Focusing on performing to your best ability sounds like a really good way of framing things. Like you say, it's a helpful way of putting things into context - things which are in your control (your performance) and things which aren't. Thank you for sharing - I will definitely be thinking in that way going forward.Just to add to some of the great responses forum members have already given you, I think it is natural to have some anxiety ahead of an interview. To properly manage it, I would firstly remind myself that just by being in that room I have been selected in the top 5% of candidates or better, which must mean I have what it takes to succeed and that I only need to be able to properly show it. Secondly, I would focus on simply having the best possible performance, as if I truly did my best, I knew I would have nothing to regret. Changing my focus from a very outcome-oriented one helped me feel a lot more in control of the situation.
Finally, while this might sound a bit weird, I purposefully slept for only 6 hours, around 2 hours less than I normally do. I have found that at 6 hours of sleep, with a cup of strong coffee I am able to function at 99% of my ability whilst significantly reducing my anxiety. Being slightly sleep deprived in this way meant I simply did not have the energy to overthink very word and sentence I was saying. This meant I could just naturally express what I was thinking about any question and to seem a lot more confident while doing it. However, this strategy was very particular to my circumstances and I would not advise you to use it unless you have had previous experiences with performing well while sleeping less than usual.
Thank you so much, Amma! Thinking of it as enjoyable learning experience (even regardless of the outcome) is a really lovely positive spin on things. I will definitely be using this to re-frame any nerves. I remember listening to a science podcast some years ago which talked about how it's sometimes helpful to reframe adrenaline from fear as adrenaline from excitement! I will definitely being re-framing the situation as an exciting one going forward - thank you so, so much for sharing that perspective! 😊Hey @ashwright ,
This is a very good question for sure. I had the same thoughts, and I suspect everyone that has gone through the process/is going through it, will have similar inquiries.
It certainly feels interesting at first. At my first partner interview, I was really scared.. I thought woah, these people are literally ruling the city! What do I say? What‘s right to say? Truth is, we make it more complicated than it is. At the core, they are people just like us. If you take away the internal thoughts and let loose, you will find that you can have amazing conversations where you’re able to share your thoughts on a topic, and even gain knowledge from them. Partners are more approachable than candidates think. So, enjoy the process and you will find that it becomes less daunting with time.
The key? Confidence…
It certainly took me a while to build this, but the more interactions you have, the more natural it becomes.
How long after taking the test did you get the feedback report?Has anyone else just received a feedback report for the Mayer Brown online assessments (situational strengths and verbal reasoning)? I just received mine and in terms of verbal reasoning, I scored either 'average' or 'above average' on all 5 of the elements they tested. I can't tell if this is a good result or not? Did anyone get below average on anything? Is 'above average' the best score you can get, or is there something above this? Also, what is your 'peer group' - other people who took the Mayer Brown assessment?
I took the test a couple of days ago and just got the report.How long after taking the test did you get the feedback report?
Ok thank youI took the test a couple of days ago and just got the report.
Yay! Great news! I’ve included a few tips below. It’s a mix of technical and soft tips, and I believe both are equally important for success;Hi! I just got an AC for A&O Shearman’s direct tc! Any insights? Literally begging 🙏
Thank you so much, Amma! Thinking of it as enjoyable learning experience (even regardless of the outcome) is a really lovely positive spin on things. I will definitely be using this to re-frame any nerves. I remember listening to a science podcast some years ago which talked about how it's sometimes helpful to reframe adrenaline from fear as adrenaline from excitement! I will definitely being re-framing the situation as an exciting one going forward - thank you so, so much for sharing that perspective! 😊
i did this and got the same result. those same rankings progressed me to the Job Simulation earlier this year for the Direct TC, so i hope it’s a similar result for you this time.Has anyone else just received a feedback report for the Mayer Brown online assessments (situational strengths and verbal reasoning)? I just received mine and in terms of verbal reasoning, I scored either 'average' or 'above average' on all 5 of the elements they tested. I can't tell if this is a good result or not? Did anyone get below average on anything? Is 'above average' the best score you can get, or is there something above this? Also, what is your 'peer group' - other people who took the Mayer Brown assessment?
Hi - I had a question in regards to talking about deals on applications. If the firm is international, is it okay to mention cases from another country, especially if the firm has a one global firm approach? Or is it better to focus on a deal that involves the office you are applying to? Thank you so much.
Is there no application guide for Goodwin? @Amma Usman