Congrats on getting an AC! I think if anything, the fact that you have made it to the AC, shows you have demonstrated a high level of interest and potential to the firm in question. This is despite having ‘no contact with the firm through events or law fairs’. I don’t think a lack of in person or virtual interactions with the firm would be detrimental to your chances of being successful in the AC at all! I think if the firm did have any expectations from you to have had previous interactions with them, they would not have progressed your application to the AC stage! 🙂
I think the most important thing at this stage is to make sure that you go into the AC with a thorough understanding of the firm and why you wish to pursue a career there. I think a good way to do this is through completing any virtual internships the firm has (Forage) and watching any recorded virtual events the firm has hosted in the past. I think if you can draw on previous experiences e.g., virtual law fairs, you could identify the similarities and differences between the firms you have interacted with previously, and the firm you are scheduled to do the AC with.
I think
@Andrei Radu,
@Amma Usman and
@Ram Sabaratnam can provide a much better answer than this though to be honest. Best of luck with your AC! 🙂