Can any1 suggest good questions to ask at an AC in the interview, ive got some in mind relating to the firm itself but are there any good ones which are bit more general or specific to the interviewers I can ask?
Honestly, from my AC experience (get good feedback on this too) but I always choose a topic (commercial) i.e. trump tariffs and its effects on the construction sector- then ask how it affects the firm. (HAS TO BE A TOPIC VV RELEVANT TO THE FIRM)!!
This normally leads to a discussion between us and I ask follow ups.
For example, in a recent AC i did with a firm that’s focused in mid-market, I asked how the new FCA listing rules for larger corporations are affecting the midmarket and how that’s affecting the firms work?
That then led to a discussion about why the FCA put these rules in place, how the reason why they focused on the big corporation is probably because they thought it would have a trickle down effect on the mid -market and we started discussing how that’s going to affect the legal sector and the opportunities it creates.
I’ve noticed these questions show an interest in both the firms work, build a rapport and show your commercial insight! It show that you don’t just read news but that you are able to think critically on its impacts.
This in my opinion is so much better than asking random questions that lead to a short answer.
It is one of the biggest reasons I’ve passed my ACs even if I flopped their written exercise. Like my interviews usually go over the scheduled time because the partners end up in a debate with me and each other.