London is very broken, and standards of living in this country have been declining for decades due to the idiots we have governing us.Ignoring other factors like diversity and business etc, i'm really debating over this for my next cycle.
I'm from near the peak district and could easily work in Sheffield, Manchester, Leeds. If it's 40k vs 100k then it's London no brainer. But for the higher paying firms like DLA piper, I'm not sure which to apply to. I'm keen to experience London, but if I can live at home and commute to Sheffield, earning 75k NQ (mind, DLA is an outlier), I would be RAKING IT IN. Could be putting 40k a year into savings/investments/house deposit. Vs earning 110k in London, and just about being comfortable.
£75k is £54k take-home, whereas £110k is £72k.
If you're renting that's still a better lifestyle in London, but hours likely to be longer, and in the long term, the price of more substantial property in London is quite insane - it's over £1m for a 3-bed house that was historically for working-class people, and the sort of house that my grandfather would have considered a middle-class property is around £4m, and you're still likely to be mugged for your iphone on the way to work.