Thank you so much! That is really helpful – I really appreciate it! 😊
Do you also know if there are any formatting requirements for the personal statement?
It’s worth keeping in mind that the personal statement is a little different from a cover letter, so you don’t need to worry about formatting it in the same way. Make sure you stick to the 850-word count, but you can dive straight into answering the three main questions: why commercial law, why
Freshfields, and why you. Stylistically I’d also suggest avoiding filler words or overly general phrases, as these can sometimes come across as a bit clichéd. Instead, focus on being specific and personal, especially by using examples that really show who you are and what excites you about the firm and the work they do.
When writing about why you’re interested in commercial law, try to think about what first got you interested and what keeps you motivated. Was there a specific experience, like an open day, a case study, or even just something you read, that made you realise commercial law was the right path for you? The best answers include an example and explain why it confirmed that this is the career you want to pursue.
Similarly, for “Why
Freshfields,” I'd encourage you to be specific. Various candidates mention the eight-seat training contract, but I'd also recommend being more specific about their work in particular areas like corporate finance, anti-trust, tax, etc. Have a good think about why their specific practice area strengths matter to you personally.
Finally, for the “Why Me” section, make sure to back up what you say with examples. Please, please avoid generic statements about your time management or “transferable” skills. You want to
show the reader, rather than tell them, that you have certain skills. The more specific you are, the more your personality and skill set will actually come across through your statement.
Hope that helps and good luck!