@Miss Chocolate, of course
! I do not think you have to change it. If it is your most recent or substantial work experience, recruiters will understand it is natural to keep it. But while the substance of your points may stay the same (though do analyze whether you can analyze any parts of the experience in more depth or make more convincing connections to skills/values), I would definitely consider ways to improve the form. It is likely you will find ways to improve the writing style and structure: perhaps some sentences should be shortened or broken into two, or perhaps some can be rephrased to make them easier to read? Maybe some points can be expressed more concisely, maybe some words are insufficiently formal, perhaps others are unnecessarily jargon, etc. Point is, it is likely you will find at least some minor improvements to make. Doing that will make it less likely for the system to flag the answers as the same, and even if it does, it should show recruiters you have a drive to improve year-on-year.