Curious about SJT A&O feedback, what kind of things did people get, is it possible to get a perfect score in terms of the assessment qualities?
I'd be curious to know what people are able to get?
Below is each section with the relevant quoted section from the feedback. Also, I have demonstrated some of the skills that the SJT said i'm weak at elsewhere in the application, so I'm just curious to get a sense of how its assessed. Do I still have a chance of getting through to the next stage?
- Applied Verbal Intellect: "This is an area where you excelled, demonstrating a natural ability to work with the verbal information presented to you."
- Applied Numerical Intellect: "This is an area where you excelled, demonstrating a natural ability to work with the numerical information presented to you."
- Collaboration: "This is an area where you demonstrated a good level of potential. In doing so, you worked with others in an approachable and open manner, communicated in a timely manner when work might not have been delivered on time, as well as making some good judgements about when input was needed from others."
- Intellectual Curiosity: "This is an area where you demonstrated a good level of potential across the situations presented to you. In doing so, you looked at the wider context in order to understand why things are done, and in most instances, asked intelligent questions to close gaps in your understanding as well as challenging yourself to get to grips with new areas of law."
- Resilience: "This is an area where you demonstrated a good level of potential across the situations presented to you. In doing so, you thought clearly and kept an objective perspective in the face of the deadlines presented to you as well as, in some instances, moving forward with composure after certain challenges came your way."
Areas for Development
- Adaptability: "This is an area that you would really benefit developing further in. The situations you experienced were an opportunity for you to quickly switch your focus depending on the developing situation, as well as obtaining information on your own before asking for help. In the responses you selected, you missed several opportunities to demonstrate these key capabilities."
- Drive and Motivation: "This is an area that you would really benefit from developing further in. The situations presented to you were an opportunity to take ownership of the element of the project you were involved in, delivering work to an excellent standard in terms of content and presentation, as well as taking personal responsibility to deliver work on time. In the responses you selected, you didn’t always demonstrate these key capabilities."
- Organisation: "This is an area where there is a clear opportunity for you to develop further. The situations you encountered were a real opportunity for you respond positively in relation to short time frames by planning your approach, as well as creating effective plans to complete your work, including putting review points and contingency plans in place. In the responses you selected, you missed several opportunities to demonstrate these skills."