Hiya,You're an absolute legend - massive congratulations!! You should be super proud of yourself 👑👑
I'd appreciate if I may ask a question about your approach to the direct TC app for Slaughters. You mentioned that it was your first app cycle - how did you find applying for a direct TC when you (if I understand correctly) had not done a VS? I'm interested in Clifford Chance but (like Slaughters) they don't offer traditonal vac schemes + i haven't done a VS anywhere yet. I was a bit worried about applying for a direct TC without any experience so I'd really appreciate any insights/advice on how you approached it.
Thank you
Thank you for the kind words! the slaughters application process is super straight forward -- only a cv and cover letter, so the process was pretty simple in that sense. I did have some other legal work experience, but nothing structured like a vac scheme etc. It was more a case of doing a few insight events, virtual internships, and then using other work experience to support my application in terms of transferrable skills etc.