TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

Ram Sabaratnam

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Sep 7, 2024
In no more than 850 words, tell us all about who you are. As part of your personal statement you should demonstrate that you have the potential to be a great trainee. We also want to know why you want to work at Freshfields and what excites you about a career in commercial law. You may wish to mention any positions of responsibility held at university, as well as work experience or employment, achievements, interests and personal qualities you think are relevant.

hey does anyone have any tips on how to structure the personal statement for freshfields?

Hey @a1024 :)

For structuring your statement, I think you can take the more traditional approach: focus on (1) why commercial law, (2) why Freshfields, and (3) why you. When I wrote my personal statement, I also aimed for an equal split across these sections, ensuring each part was distinct and well-developed.

I think one common pitfall to avoid is making the “Why Freshfields” section too generic. Try to really think about those aspects that set Freshfields apart from competitors, like Clifford Chance. I found it helpful to centre my answer on what drew me specifically to Freshfields and why their experience in more advisory matters was appealing to me. Additionally, if you mention a widely noted USP (e.g. their 8-seat rotation, something that many, many applicants end up discussing), try to make the point more personalised to you. For instance, explain why the exposure to diverse practice areas genuinely excites you and how it complements your own professional goals.

When it comes to the “Why You” sections of the statement, I would really try to identify things that are distinctive about you as an applicant. I've met many applicants who've successfully discussed their experiences with things like mooting, competitions, or prior vacation schemes. In my case, I chose to discuss my passion for improvised comedy and also development projects, not just legal work. I think that sort of approach allowed me to vividly illustrate my collaborative skills and adaptability in ways that would have been more difficult if I had just stuck to more traditional legal and academic experiences.

Good luck with the application!
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Sep 30, 2024
Goldman Sachs VI invite - any tips and insights (could be from any investment bank or firm with a focus on finance) would be much appreciated!
They are competency based except for Q1 (walk me through your CV) and the final question (for the investment banking division this was tell me about a recent deal, no clue for legal/compliance).

Hope this helps
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